Ricky Gervais uses his celebrity to lift the lid on the horrors of laboratory animal abuses

Ricky Gervais uses his celebrity to lift the lid on the horrors of laboratory animal abuses

Ricky Gervais is one of the celebrities using their name recognition to educate others about animal abuse. At issue is this laboratory in the UK and the horrors they are inflicting upon Beagles, moved into labs at the age of 16 weeks where they will endure painful, unending lab ‘trials’ for months — typically without anesthetic to even numb their pain. At the end of these [basically useless] ‘trials’ the survivors are usually put to death.

Is this the best these so-called ‘scientists’ can do?

Lest we convince ourselves that these abuses are necessary, let us reiterate what most of us already know: these tests are useless to discern, treat or otherwise work to heal anything in the human realm. They are a holdover from the 1960s and they are not providing any information of value to the human race. There are people making a fortune from producing thousands of Beagle puppies per year to ‘laboratories’ who charge for their ‘tests’ and ‘research’ — however useless the information provided might have been proven to be.

This ‘research’ is brazen animal abuse and there needs to be enough public outcry to end these nightmarish practices forever.

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