Exotics: Owning Wild Animals

Exotics: Owning Wild Animals

For decades, Americans have been able to purchase ‘wild’ animals for personal ownership.

The educational aspects of these practices, alone, is reason enough to be hyper viligant about the rights of citizens when considering whether or not to allow the practice to continue — but even if there are questions, there are a myriad of options that don’t entail immediate confiscation, banning the species outright or, as in some cases, euthanizing a person’s ‘pet’ because the beaurocracy, somewhere, has suddenly determined that ownership will no longer be allowed.

New York pet alligator seized by state ‘like they were raiding a terrorist’s home,’ owner says | VIDEO c. Fox News

To protect your ‘pets’ — and yourself — from such intrusions, staying apprised of what’s happening and where is key to avoiding disaster. If you own an ‘exotic’ pet [ranging from lizards to donkeys and virtually everything in-between] make it your business to know what’s being said in reports across the board (Questions: Call Us!) and monitor what’s happening in your cities, your communities, your counties and your state as well as federal rules and regulations which can frequently change according to what administrations are being administrated and by whom.