Adoption would seem to be a relatively simple process.
TO hear most folks describe it, they say things like, “You pick out an animal, you decide you want to adopt said animal and you take that animal home and live happily ever after”.
But the number of animals that wind up in shelters tells a completely different story.
‘Fido’ fails to perform. ‘Jilly’ ate the couch. ‘Rufus’ turned out to be intellectually challenged. ‘Bo’ hated the cat. ‘Milo’ got sick — and the vet bills were just too much. ‘Jasper’ will never be allowed at the dog park again. ‘Storm’ bit somebody… The lists go on and on.
Surprisingly, at least to many, most of these issues can be dealt with without abandoning the pet you just adopted. If shelters are ever utilized to their highest and best potential, there would be classes and handlers at the ready who can ‘retrain’ these at-risk pets so they don’t lose their forever homes at the first sign of potential trouble.
Until then, you can use HOOFPRINTS to obtain the assistance you need — whether it’s telephonic discussions of less-than-ideal behavior to having a handler pick up and retrain ‘Bo’ to tolerate the kitty now sharing ‘his’ house.
Pets obtained via Hoofprints can always be returned to Hoofprints for any reason. We are there for them — and, therefore, for you.
Problem behavior? No Problem! Hang in there. Help’s on the way!